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Direct Booking

Solace Safe Stay

At Solace Hotels the safety and well-being of our guests, team members and community is always a top priority. We understand the concerns which surround the COVID-19 pandemic and want to remind our customers of the continuous efforts we make on a daily basis and new measures we have added, to provide a welcoming and clean environment at our hotels.

As a local independent Brand, we are able to quickly adapt and adhere to new guide- lines from the World health Organization (WHO) and local authorities as appropriate to our operations.


Web check in prior to arrival available to avoid contact.

Room access cards disinfection, delivery in a deposit specially enabled after use.

Acrylic screens in reception desks.


Si se presume que un huésped del hotel o un asistente a un evento presenta síntomas o se le diagnostica COVID-19, se le indicará que inicie su período de cuarentena y que se comunique con el MINSAL, siempre siguiendo el protocolo que nos entregó el Ministerio de Salud y el Gobierno de Chile.

Medidas Sanitarias
Our Facilities

Cleaning of common areas every hour using a peroxide surface disinfectant, a product approved by the Chilean Ministry of the Environment, created by Ecolab, highly effective against emerging viral pathogens and COVID-19.


En Hoteles Solace, nuestra motivación es trabajar con los clientes en la planificación de su reunión o evento de principio a fin. Mientras las reglas de distanciamiento físico se manten- gan, nuestro equipo de Servicios de Conferencias y Banquetes se encargará de reelaborar los montajes, organizar el flujo de entrada y salida, colaborar en las comidas y menús con la mayor variedad y creatividad posible, etc.

Meeting rooms setups will be determined and confirmed with planners to ensure proper physical spacing

Los alimentos servidos siempre se sirven en porciones individuales o con el servicio buffet, utilizando guantes desechables y el uso de alchol gel obligatorio.

Tables, chairs and equipment, will be continuously and adequately disinfected with harmless and environmentally friendly products.
